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Download Tinker Thinkers APK for Android

Enable Training and Consulting, Inc.

Kids love a good argument too!

Get it on Google Play

App Details

Category: App / Education

Installs: 5+

Ratings: (⭐ )

Content Rating: Everyone

About Tinker Thinkers APK

Ah, there’s nothing like a good argument!
No, we don’t mean the kind of argument where you scrunch up your face, get angry, and stomp around. We mean the kind of argument where you share your thoughts with others, and explain the reasons behind them.
Meet the Tinker Thinkers! Equipped with the tools of logic and reason, this team of pint-sized ponderers build their way to better ideas. Join them as they explore the parts of an argument, and learn new ways to test its strength. You’ll find that building an argument is one of the most important skills a person can learn...and it can be fun too!

Applications by the Same Developer

Developer Information

Name: Enable Training and Consulting, Inc.

Email: [email protected]

Website: Link url

Privacy Policy:View Policy

Address: 8560 Tremaine Road, 2nd Floor Milton Ontario Canada L9T2X3