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Download Flexibility for Fighters APK for Android


Stretching for Martial Arts

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App Details

Category: App / Health_and_fitness

Installs: 10K+

Ratings: 263 (⭐ 5.0)

Content Rating: Everyone

About Flexibility for Fighters APK

Stretching before martial arts training is extremely important.

Flexible muscles and joints allow practitioners to kick higher, punch farther, and perform complex techniques more fluidly.

All martial arts techniques require precision, strength, and a range of motion, which come with a flexible body.

To improve flexibility, you need to stretch more often than you would in a martial arts class. You need to stretch every day.

The app contains workout plans for beginners and advanced.

* 30-day challenge of your choice (Beginner, Advanced, Experienced)
* Animation for each exercise
* Voice feedback
* Detailed history

You can create your custom workout with any exercises you want.

Applications by the Same Developer

Developer Information

Name: AxiomMobile

Email: [email protected]

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Address: Axiom Mobile LLC 22/59 F.Munnikha st. Tomsk Russia 634059