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NE Neungyule, Inc

Comon Avery One app

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App Details

Category: App / Education

Installs: 10K+

Ratings: 0 (⭐ 0.0)

Content Rating: Everyone

About COME ON Everyone APK

Come On Everyone is a six-level course that gives students a confident start to learning English.
With task-based activities and vivid illustrations, Come On, Everyone inspires students to develop 21st Century Skills.
Come On Everyone is your key to cultivating an engaging classroom where every learner becomes a great thinker.

ㆍ Creative individualized activities, projects, and presentations provide great opportunities for students to practice on their own
and with each other.
ㆍ Story-making activities enable students to utilize their creativity by personalizing cartoons or reading passages from the
student book.
ㆍ CLIL lessons contain culture tips and useful information about subjects relevant to students, preparing them for the real world.
ㆍ Chants and songs take advantage of the natural aid of rhythm to help students memorize and practice key vocabulary and
ㆍ Reader’s theater storybooks provide creative opportunities for class discussion and decision-making as students choose
between two possible endings and perform the stories to increase their language proficiency.

1. 국내외 최신 교육과정을 반영한 코스북

1) 체험을 통해 학습한 내용을 효과적으로 익힐 수 있는 과제 중심의 코스북
2) 자기만의 결과물을 만들어내는 창의력 강화 코스북
3) 다양한 문화를 익히고 배울 수 있는 코스북

2. 뚜렷한 학습 결과물이 보이는 Output중심의 코스북

1) 매 Lesson별 / Unit 별 학습한 내용을 speaking task및 presentation과제를 통해 마무리 가능
2) 매 권 별 학습 내용의 70% 이상이 반영된 Theater Reader를 통해 학습내용 마무리 가능
3) 학습한 내용은 각종 테스트로 중간 및 최종 점검 가능

3. 학습자와 교사 모두를 고려한 배우고 가르치기 쉬운 코스북

1) DVD-ROM을 통한 학습 보강 자료 수 (Flashcards, Songs & Chants 및 카툰 애니메이션, More practice 활동 수록)

2) 학생들의 흥미와 학습 효과를 고려한 각종 게임과 speaking tasks수록
개발자 연락처 :
엔이능률 대한민국 서울특별시 마포구
마포구 월드컵북로 396, 10층
03925 105-81-65267 2004-02120 직접 신고

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